After more than 16 years of not only developing and selling our own product, an evaporator for organic molecules, but also supporting the GXSM community, ventiotec Wagner und Münchow will cease operations on December 31, 2024. We would like to thank all our customers for their trust over the years. Any device support related to the open source SPM controllers will be handled directly by softdb.For a short time you can still download our GXSM-Ubuntu remixes from this website:: Also in the future, GXSM3 and GXSM4 binaries will be available via
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:totto/gxsm
sudo apt update
sudo apt install gxsm3 gxsm4 sranger-modules-mk23-dkms sranger-modules-std-dkms
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Please follow this link (German) to our (privious) partner take-e-way for further information.ventiotec ®
Wagner & Muenchow GbR(former) address
Dahlstr. 3547169 Duisburg
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Fon (Wagner) +43 (o) 65o 591 4818
Dr. Thorsten WagnerAndreas Muenchow